Jake Rodrigues
Click on the picnic couple for the songbook
Part 1 : Introduction & buying uke Part 2 : Holding uke, strumming & chords
Part 3 : First Songs-singin in the rain
iko iko & I fought the law
Part 4 : Songs galore - Jambalaya -Lion Sleeps Tonight - YMCA
Tuning the Uke ( 5 mins)
Click here
for songbook
learn the uke in an hour or less
Hello & welcome to the webpage supporting the videos that comprise of 'Learn to play the uke in an hour' . As a uke teacher I have been teaching for over 10 years and provided students are willing to try I can get them playing in next to no time .
My techniques are very similar to many teachers of the uke but where I perhaps differ is that I think that 1) it is really important to laugh and enjoy what you do ( it is not a chore) & 2) you sing as well as play ! This second point is borne out time & time again with students who say I can't sing & then realise they can & love it. Essentially you get two musical instruments for the price of one.
The virtual class on youtube has been compressed to 5 classes ( well 4 plus a short one on tuning ) . Feel free to dip in and out & go to the part relevant to you (eg. if you can tune the uke there's no need to watch that video ).
There is also a songbook with all the songs and more info on tuning, sizes of uke etc that you can download as a PDF. Enjoy yourselves & see you somewhere soon !
All the best Jake
Click on George's Apple for the songbook
Click on Joe Strummer's uke for the songbook